Monday, 27 July 2015

How to deal with Annoying Fellow Travelers!

When it gets PLANE annoying!

We are all too well aware and almost always embrace ourselves when boarding a flight. Why? Because we’re trying to figure out exactly which habit of our fellow travelers is going bother us MOST during the journey. Check out a few of my tried and tested methods;

The Seat Kickers
It’s as if Ronaldo, Messi and Drogba decided to have a match right behind your seat. The knobby knees of the person behind you may get your blood pressure rising but here’s what you do. If it’s a child or even an adult offer them chocolate or chewing gum, kick start a conversation and politely ask them to stop.

The Noise Polluters
Apparently these kind of travelers seem to want to pretend they’re deaf. Blasting whatever you’re watching in full volume can give the person next to you a major headache. Here’s what you do – smile and ask them for a magazine, when they reply casually mention “Wow…you’re a loud one aren’t you?” and deliberately put on your noise cancelling headphones on so they get the hint!

The Over-Friendly Ones
Oooh! Now these are the tough nuts. Throwing off all your cues for them to shut up, these are the bunch that love to chitter chatter. There is nothing and I mean nothing that will make them shut their trap. So here’s what you do…excuse yourself and go to the washroom, come back and pretend to fall asleep instantly! If they try to talk to you later, be blunt and say I’m sorry plane rides give me a migraine so I’m just gonna listen to calming music.

Permanent Seat-back travelers
From the moment they sit on the plane, the seat goes all the way towards the decline and they’re practically sleeping in your arms throughout the journey. How insensitive right? Here’s what you do – Start screaming in pain as soon as they push the seat too back. When everyone starts staring just say “I’m sorry I have leg pain/shoe got stuck/hurt your head” - any painful excuse you can come up with. The person will be so embarrassed you will be rest assured THAT will not happen again :p

The Stinky Poos
I’m sorry there’s no way out of this one. Ask your attendant to be re-seated or just be prepared to burn your nostril for the next few hours. Alternately, you could start spraying perfume on a hand towel and putting it under your nose so they get a hint!

The Armrest Hoggers
It’s as if they expect you to keep your hands in the air throughout the flight! The middle seat arm territory has been completely taken up and you’re left uncomfortable for hours at end.
Here’s what you do; either drop something on the floor and ask them to help you get it, then immediately hog the arm rest on your side so they get the message OR just strike a deal to share it half and half.

If you know of any more, please feel free to comment,

For now, hope this helps :)

Lobe, Sassy Explorer

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